D. Randy West – winning a race as captain of S/Y Lone Fox based on St Barth’s – the weather was great that day!
One of our favorite Captains of all time, D. Randy West, is basking in the admiration of fellow yachtsmen. He’s finally put some of his life adventures in writing. His hurricane book describes some 18 hurricanes he’s been through. His choice of subject may not be the best. Especially for those of us who are trying to sell motor and sailing charters over a long, hot summer. But if you get an opportunity, do try to pick up the book. It is for sale on Amazon in a print or Kindle version. (Here is some info from Amazon.)
Well folks, from the sound of his hurricane book, hurricanes just follow this guy around. Last known location for D. Randy West was Florida. That makes it look a little safer in St Barth’s, St Maarten, the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas…the Caribbean in general. Even seems an all clear now in New England. Randy managed to draw in a few storms even there over the years!
This is a great, fun read. And remember folks, if you want to come to the Caribbean, summer is a great time. Insurers will provide insurance against storms etc for a minimal charge, and it is like the old days…anchorages are empty and peaceful, the breezes still blow gently… most of the time!